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Withdrawal & Refund
The parents may note withdrawal form required to be submitted to the Admin department executive and NOT to the class teacher or any other employee of the school.  


1. Duly filled withdrawal form to be submitted to School in person by parent / legal guardian. No other mode of intimation i.e. letter, verbal intimation i.e. email or verbal intimation or any other type of document, will be considered a valid withdrawal notice.  
2. Notice period for withdrawal is one month (It is intimated that this one-month period of notice required to be at least one month prior to the commencement of ensuring term.  
3. The student’s testimonials i.e. Transfer Certificate, Progress report card, recommendation letter or any other withdrawal related document will only be issued subject to:-  
  a) That the student has obtained clearance in writing from the class teacher, librarian, concerned Headmistress, PE, Laboratories, uniform shop, and canteen. A prescribed format will be issued to the student prior to the last day of attendance of the student in the school.  
  b) That the student has obtained clearance from the Accounts department. Any outstanding due, including unpaid fee will be cleared by at least 7 working days of submitting the withdrawal notice.  
4. The withdrawal will be processed within 7 working days from the date of form submission. The documents can be collected with prior appointment from Monday to Friday between 4:00pm to 4:45pm.  
5. Once a student is registered with the school for any course, he/she will be deemed to be registered with the school until:  
  a) Student formally withdraws as per laid down procedure as amply specified in the school Almanac which is issued to each student every year.  
  b) In the eventuality of a Student being not allowed to continue his/her studies due to unsatisfactory performance/disciplinary reasons by the school, the registration of such cases will be deemed to be cancelled.  

Refund Policy (reference to Standard PEI-Student Contract Version 3.1)

Refund is given under the following conditions.




Refund for Withdrawal Due to Non-Delivery of Course: ( 2.1 of PEI -Student Contract)



  The PEI will notify the Student within three (3) working days upon knowledge of any of the following:  
i) It does not commence the Course on the Course Commencement Date;
ii) It terminates the Course before the Course Commencement Date; 
iii) It does not complete the Course by the Course Completion Date;
iv) It terminates the Course before the Course Completion Date;
v) It has not ensured that the Student meets the course entry or matriculation requirement as set by the organisation stated in Schedule A of the contract within any stipulated timeline set by CPE; or
vi) The Student’s Pass application is rejected by Immigration and Checkpoints Authority (ICA).
  The student should be informed in writing of alternative study arrangements (if any), and also be entitled to a refund of the entire Course Fees and Miscellaneous Fees already paid should the Student decide to withdraw, within seven (7) working days of the above notice.  
2. Refund for Withdrawal Due to Other Reasons:  ( 2.2 of PEI -Student Contract)  

If the Student withdraws from the Course for any reason other than those stated in Clause 2.1, the PEI will, within seven (7) working days of receiving the Student’s written notice of withdrawal, refund to the Student an amount based on the table in Schedule D of the Contract.


% of [the amount of fees paid under Schedules B and C]

If Student’s written notice of withdrawal is received:


more than [30] days before the Course Commencement Date


before, but not more than [15] days before the Course Commencement Date


after, but not more than [7] days after the Course Commencement Date


more than [7] days after the Course Commencement Date

3. Refund During Cooling-Off Period: ( 2.3 of PEI -Student Contract)  

The PEI will provide the Student with a cooling-off period of seven (7) working days after the date the Contract has been signed by both parties.

The Student will be refunded the highest percentage (stated in Schedule D) of the fees already paid if the Student submits a written notice of withdrawal to the PEI within the cooling-off period, regardless of whether the Student has started the course or not.